Application Deadlines: Scholarships – 5 February & Grants - 31 May
Personal Grants
Typically between £500 - £3,000
Our Personal Grants are awarded once a year to individuals who have finished secondary school and are seeking financial assistance for higher or further education. This includes those studying music or other arts, or those looking to enter a profession, trade, or calling. The grant amount ranges between £500 and £2,500, subject to the discretion of our Trustees.
Important dates:
8th January – Applications open
31st May – Applications close
10th July – Applicants informed of decision
30th September – Payment made (as long as all details requested are provided)
How to apply:
Organisation Grants
Value at Trustees discretion
Our Organisation Grants (formerly known as Corporate Grants) are awarded once a year to institutions promoting projects that align with the objectives of our Trust. These projects should aim to advance education in accordance with the principles and practices of the Church of England and contribute to creating a healthy society, enhancing religious education, and spreading God's love.
Important dates:
8th January – Applications open
31st May – Applications close
10th July – Applicants informed of decision
30th September - Payment made (as long as all details requested are provided)
How to apply :
Further Funding (Individuals)
Typically between £500 - £3,000
Successful recipients of a personal grant are able to apply for further funding in consecutive yeas of their study or projects and will need to complete a separate application form and provide a Tutor's report. However, further funding is not guaranteed and Trustees encourage applicants to look at alternative options for funding.
Important dates:
8th January – Applications open
31st May – Applications close
10th July – Applicants informed of decision
30th September - Payment made (as long as all details requested are provided)
How to apply:
Further Funding (Organisations)
Value at Trustees discretion
Successful recipients of a corporate grant are able to apply for further funding in consecutive yeas of their study or projects and will need to complete a separate application form and provide a Tutor's report. However, further funding is not guaranteed and Trustees encourage applicants to look at alternative options for funding.
Important dates:
8th January – Applications open
31st May – Applications close
10th July – Applicants informed of decision
30th September - Payment made (as long as all details requested are provided)
How to apply:
Up to £12,600/year
Our scholarships are awarded for full-time studies over three years or part-time studies over five to seven years. Each year, we award up to £12,600, or a pro-rata amount for part-time studies.
Important dates:
1st November – Applications open
5th February – Applications close
April/May – Shortlisted scholars invited for interview
How to apply:
Download and complete Data Monitoring form (optional).
Submit application forms